The Significance of a Praying Mother
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous (wo)man avails much.” James 5:16
I like to think of the sterling character and Spartan courage of Mary Ball, the mother of Washington. Every virtue her son possessed, she passed on to him. She was imperious at times, and had a habit of issuing orders and demanding instant obedience. Punctuality was her creed and woe unto those of her family who did not move by the stroke of her clock. However, in spite of her strength of will and very great nobility of character, she in no wise sought to drive him to decisions in harmony with her own. When he went out against the French, she bitterly opposed it. She mourned: “Oh the fighting and the killing.” Then, lifting her eyes to Heaven, she added: “God is our sure trust. To Him, I commend you.” When the Revolution broke, she again wept: “Oh, is there to be more fighting, more blood shed? Surely, it will end in the halter.”
At the close of the Revolution, when her son returned victorious from Yorktown, he sent his orderly ahead to prepare her so that the shock would not be too great. Touching his three-cornered hat, the orderly said: “Madam, His Excellency will be here within the hour.” “His Excellency!” exclaimed the proud old mother. “You tell George I’ll be glad to see him” Then, to her maid: “Patsy, I shall need a white apron.”
When we see the great chieftain praying at Valley Forge, we need to remember Mary Ball, who went daily to pray at Meditation Rock, where she now lies buried. –Ivan H. Hagedorn
Thankful for praying moms, Pastor Larry
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