Returning Love For Hatred
AMERICAN MILITARY UP TO IT’S OLD TRICKS: The Blackhawk helicopter hovered low over a field in the Sunni Triangle. A lone child, about twelve years old, glances up. Someone, his father, or perhaps an older brother, has taught him to hate Americans—which is why the boy picks up a rock and takes aim.
Army reservist Steven Kiel, who is serving in Iraq, describes what happens next. “The gunner has something in his hand, too, and he’s a bit quicker,” Kiel writes in National Review Online. “Whoosh! A soccer ball flies out of the door of the chopper.” For a moment, the boy stands in utter disbelief. He then “collects himself enough to run after the ball.” Once he retrieves it, “he looks up and with a smile from ear to ear, . . . excitedly waves” to his American benefactors.
“Another friend is made,” Kiel writes. “Another member of the next generation is converted.”
Breakpoint with Charles Colson, Blackhawks, Soccer Balls, and Freedom A Story for Veterans Day, November 11, 2005
We read in Psalm 41:1-2 “Blessed is the one who considers the poor! In the day of trouble the LORD delivers him; the LORD protects him and keeps him alive; he is called blessed in the land; you do not give him up to the will of his enemies.”
Praying that we remain hopeful that our kindness may turn hearts to Jesus, Pastor Larry
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