“Not what I am, O Lord, but what thou art” by Horatius Bonar
Reading the following lyrics to an old hymn ministered to my heart today. May the words refresh and encourage you as they did me.
1 Not what I am, O Lord, but what Thou art, that, that alone can be my soul’s true rest; Thy love, not mine, bids fear and doubt depart, and stills the tempest of my throbbing breast.
2 Thy Name is Love, I hear it from yon cross; Thy Name is Love, I hear it from yon tomb; all meaner love is perishable dross, but this shall light me through time’s thickest gloom.
3 Girt with the love of God on ev’ry side, breathing that love as heav’ns own healing air, I work or wait, still following my Guide, braving each foe, escaping ev’ry snare.
4 ’Tis what I know of Thee, my Lord and God, that fills my soul with peace, my lips with song; Thou art my Health, my Joy, my Staff and Rod;
leaning on Thee, in weakness I am strong.
5 More of Thyself, O show me hour by hour; more of Thy glory, O my God and Lord; more of Thyself, in all Thy grace and pow’r; more of Thy love and truth, incarnate Word!
Pastor Larry
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