Phone: 941-488-1551
Email: cbcvenice@yahoo.com
Service Times:
Sunday 9:30am Bible Fellowship
Sunday 10:30am Main Worship
Wednesday 6:30pm

You Are Not Alone
This past week of September has been dubbed National Suicide awareness week (9/8 through 9/14). Many of us recall being shocked at the news of Robin Williams’s suicide in 2014. Williams was a man bursting with manic energy, an out-sized personality, prodigious dramatic talent, and a completely unique comic genius. He could make us roll on the floor in laughter and he could move us deeply to tears. He took his life at age 63. We prayed for his family and pray for all families going through such a dark troubling time.
But for some of us in the household of Jesus, Williams’s death hits hard for very personal reasons. For some, a profound, oppressive darkness is threatening to douse the little light and hope they see. They are fighting for dear life to remember and believe that life is worth living. And a few renowned person’s recent surrender can suck the hope that they will be able to keep fighting.
If that’s you, I simply want to point you to hope by recommending a few things:
- Read the book of Ecclesiastes. That may sound strange because some find that book depressing. But I have appreciated this book most in my darkest times. Reading it will remind you that the Bible deals straight up with the bleakness of futility — finding hope in the world apart from God in this age. And it has clear pointers to hope.
- Then read the book of John. Here is the Hope. The Light of the world shines with unique brightness in this book and in his light we see light (Psalm 36:9). When despairing of life, we need to spend concentrated time listening to the Life (John 14:6).
- Look through free Christian resources found at: https://churchandmentalhealth.com/a-christian-suicide-prevention-ministry-twloha/ and https://www.desiringgod.org/topics/suicide/all
- Remember also, You Are not alone. Fight for Hope and listen to the Light.
Listen to and move toward the Light. Light will dawn for those who trust him (Psalm 112:4). It’s a promise.
As our church sign states, “Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can’t heal”.
Keep smiling,
God’s grace & peace,
Pastor Larry
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