Phone: 941-488-1551


Service Times:

Sunday 9:30am Bible Fellowship

Sunday 10:30am Main Worship

Wednesday 6:30pm

Looking UP?

When the news of unidentified aerial phenomenon over New Jersey and various places was being reported in December of last year I started to follow a couple of new people on social media.  Recently these unknown individuals (to me) shared a similar statement, “All You Need to Do is Look Up.”  I thought, “Yes, let’s look up at God’s amazing universe and admire all that we see in the night sky, and look up to God in awe”.  Continuing in this line of thinking,

One observer recounted, “I used to guide nighttime snowmobile tours in SW Colorado. The shock and awe of people who had never really seen the night sky was the best part of the job. We would stop, way in the mountains, kill the lights, and on cloudless nights it was brilliant. There is a good portion of society that has no clue what’s up there. My current favorite thing is to go to the SE Utah desert at night and lay there with a set of binoculars. There is an amazing amount of movement up there, mostly satellites, meteors etc. but occasionally something different will show up, fascinating!”

The Bible verse in Luke 21:28 says, “But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads; because your redemption draws nigh”.  One way to interpret this verse to mean that to escape destruction, one should look up to Jesus, surrender your life to Him, and avoid the lies of human society.  Of course, the other way is to consider and anticipate Jesus’ soon return.  While doing so, let’s do all we can to persuade others to place their trust in the crucified, resurrected, returning Savior.

Looking out and up, Pastor Larry

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