Phone: 941-488-1551


Service Times:

Sunday 9:30am Bible Fellowship

Sunday 10:30am Main Worship

Wednesday 6:30pm

Phone: 941-488-1551


Service Times:

Sunday 9:30am Bible Fellowship

Sunday 10:30am Main Worship

Wednesday 6:30pm

A Prayer Of Impact

Dear God, you led 12 Apostles. You challenged them. To search for the lost people of Israel. To announce the Kingdom of Heaven is near. To heal the sick. To raise the dead. To cure those with Leprosy. To cast out demons. To go into all the world and preach the gospel.

You call me to lead. You challenge me. To see people who are searching. To tell them Jesus loves them. To give strength to the weak. To impart forgiveness to the sinner. To cleanse our polluted world with Justice. To offer freedom from self-destructive habits and addictions. You have blessed me generously. Help me give generously.

I live in a broken world that needs your wholeness. I live in a contaminated world that needs your Purity. I live in a confused world that needs your direction. I live in an anxious world that needs your peace. Give me wholeness, Purity, Direction, and peace. Empower me to give as you have given to me.

May My Words Be Like a mirror so that I reflect your grace. May my actions be like a window so that your light shines through me. Bless me with courage and humility. Help me follow you more closely. Prepare me to lead. Empower me to lead. Shape me. Refined me. Utilize me.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Pastor Larry


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