Phone: 941-488-1551


Service Times:

Sunday 9:30am Bible Fellowship

Sunday 10:30am Main Worship

Wednesday 6:30pm

God Sold The Cattle!

Dallas Theological Seminary opened its doors in 1924. Shortly thereafter it almost had to close them, for good! The school was out of funds and the creditors were ready to foreclose on the land.

The very day that DTS was scheduled to be foreclosed on the founding fathers of the school gathered for a time of prayer. They, “humbled themselves” and pleaded with God to forestall the foreclosure. One of the men who was present that day, Dr. Harry Ironside, prayed a bold prayer. He made a “big-ask” of God. He said, “Lord, we know that you own the cattle on a thousand hills…could you sell just a few and give us the money?” Talk about taking God literally and praying according to His Word!

While the men were praying, a tall Texas rancher walked into the receptionist’s office. He said, “Howdy ma’am. I was just over in Fort Worth at a cattle auction. I was able to sell two train-carloads of cattle at the event. I can’t really explain it, but I felt an urgent prompting to come here and donate the proceeds to the school. I have no idea whether you even need the money. But this is what God told me to do with it.”

The secretary went to the door of the office where the men were praying. Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer answered the door, received the check from the secretary, turned to the group of men and said, “Harry, God sold the cattle!”

Let’s really believe Jesus’ words in John 16:23-24 “In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.  Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”

Let’s be praying and making “big asks” of Jesus, Pastor Larry

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