Phone: 941-488-1551


Service Times:

Sunday 9:30am Bible Fellowship

Sunday 10:30am Main Worship

Wednesday 6:30pm


As I studied God’s word this week to consider Bible passages that are appropriate to include in my mom’s celebration of life service, God brought to mind this gem: “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30  Though my mom was beautiful and graceful, she primarily will be remembered for being a lady who loved and feared God.  The following anecdote furthers the very thoughts I’ve been mulling over.

Let it never be forgotten that glamour is not greatness; applause is not fame; prominence is not eminence. The man of the hour is not apt to be the man of the ages. A stone may sparkle, but that does not make it a diamond; people may have money, but that does not make them a success.

It is what the unimportant people do that really counts and determines the course of history. The greatest forces in the universe are never spectacular. Summer showers are more effective than hurricanes, but they get no publicity. The world would soon die but for the fidelity, loyalty, and consecration of those whose names are not honored and unsung.    -James R. Sizoo, Bits & Pieces

For further study, investigate Jeremiah 10 in a modern English Bible.

Remember Character and steady perseverance counts! Pastor Larry

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