Diverse Responses
This past week a car accident occurred on 41 northbound in front of the church. Three cars were involved and I heard the crunch from two of them smashing into the ones in front. This was a “double rear-end car accident”.
As I headed from the back room of the church to see how severe the accident was, I said a prayer. Next, I assessed the minor damage to the one car and then the medium amount to the other. I surmised that all involved would be okay. I saw at least two people on phones and within 2 minutes I heard sirens approaching. Knowing I had some small cold-water bottles in our refrigerator, I decided to grab 4 or 5 of them and carry them to those recovering from the shock of what just took place. I bring you to this part of the story to share an observation. Of the four people I offered the water to, two accepted the water. The first one I offered water to was too busy helping. The second was an older lady who accepted the water and thanked me. The third responded with a stern self-sufficient “no thank”. The fourth accepted the water without much of a response whatsoever (no “thank you” or even “thanks”).
I share this to bring across and illustration for us. Jesus is called the “Living Water” and he offers us His supply to every one of us. What is your response? Which person in the story do you most identify with? I hope you can say “I’ve accepted the Water of Life and my life speaks of my thanks to Him”.
Jesus states in John 4:14 But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again–ever! In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up within him for eternal life.”
I pray you are thoroughly enjoying the Water of Life, Pastor Larry
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